What Kind of Video Content Should You Prioritize?


With demand for video content continuing to grow, deciding which film to put your marketing dollars behind first can be a challenge.

So we recommend the simplest approach: create the film that brings the most value back to your company.

But…how do you know what that is?

The 4-Levels of Video Content, and Where They Fall in the Sales Funnel

Before you can intelligently assess your video content, you need to know what you’re looking for:

Level 1: Brand Vision

This is your ‘About Us’ film, commercials, or any content focused on brand awareness and messaging instead of a specific product or call-to-action.

Authentic, story-driven brand film for BLÜCHER

  • Why You’d Want It: This is your first impression, and the message that existing and potential customers will associate with your brand. It also helps you own a specific niche within your industry.

  • Sales Funnel Location: Top / awareness

  • Where it’s Used: Web, social, tradeshows, email marketing, sales and pitch meetings — pretty much everywhere.

  • Revenue Potential: Difficult to discern.

  • When Should You Do It? If your company is rebranding or repositioning their messaging — this is the piece to showcase your efforts. It’s also important to refresh your video as your company adapts and responds to clients and trends.

4-part commercial brand series for Master Control Systems

Level 2: Product Launches

Short-run campaigns that drive awareness and attention to a specific product or release, Product Launch films do the same thing as your Brand Vision films, but for a specific product or campaign.

A Product Launch film can be anything from a scripted commercial to a strategic short documentary.

Short Documentary about the testing process of a new product.

  • Why You’d Want It: The visual cornerstone of a new campaign or product launch.

  • Sales Funnel Location: Top / awareness

  • Where it’s Used: Targeted Ads, Web, social, broadcast, tradeshows, email marketing, sales and pitch meetings.

  • Revenue Potential: High — but difficult to track.

  • When Should You Do It? Have a product launching? Start here.

Level 3: Social Proof

You’ve got your client’s attention, and now it’s time to show them the value. These are your case studies and testimonials that prove that other people, just like your prospective client, have benefitted from your product.

We recommend these be extremely specific and targeted.

Case Study for BLÜCHER, directly resulting in a $150,000 sale

  • Why You’d Want It: These films are exceptionally good at converting awareness to a direct contact, and supplementing sales.

  • Sales Funnel Location: Middle / base.

  • Where it’s Used: Targeted Ads, Web, social, broadcast, tradeshows, email marketing, sales and pitch meetings.

  • Revenue Potential: High and trackable.

  • When Should You Do It? As soon as possible. These have the most direct impact on your bottom line, and can be crafted as evergreen content.

Level 4: Product How-To's

Informational in nature, How-To’s are service-oriented films that help your client understand the details of your product, and support their use.

  • Why You’d Want It:These films help differentiate and support your company service, alleviate common troubleshooting or service calls, and as promote you as an informational leader.

  • Sales Funnel Location: Bottom

  • Where it’s Used: Web, social, support, apps. Revenue Potential: Medium

  • When Should You Do It? If you’re asked a lot of common questions, or have dense instruction manuals, How-To’s provide a visual way to digest material.

Sooooo - How Should You Prioritize?

Now that you know the main types of videos and the impact they’ll have on your company — you can begin taking stock of what you currently have, and how that lines up with your marketing plan.

Overwhelmed? Totally get it.

We live and breath creative strategy, and partner with our clients to formulate an exact game plan for their specific needs.

From supplementing the creative strategy of a brand video, to the minutiae of what video cutdowns will be useful, we’re here to translate your marketing vision into impactful films.

Partnership with Business Development Director James Hunt of BLÜCHER. Resulted in $150,000 sale for client.

Want to connect on a project? Email us at karl@journeymenstudios.com

Want value? This case study earned our client a $150k job within 7 days.

Want social proof? This client shares how his experience with Journeymen resulted in “the best video his company had ever done” .

Journeymen Studios is a Los Angeles based video production studio focused on creative partnership. For more insightful content + strategy, follow us on Instagram or sign up for our monthly newsletter.

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